Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sadie and Matthew went trick or treating tonight. Sadie loved it, Matthew was less than impressed. It was a bit cool, around 8 degrees but the kids didn't even notice (just the parents waiting on the sidewalks!). We went out early, just after supper and then came home to pass out candy. We had about 40 kids this year which is way more than we've had the past few years.

Sadie's Halloween party at school today. She was very excited to go and even consented to wearing tights...a first. Couldn't get a shirt under her dress though. One step at a time I guess.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some evening fun. Daddy built Isabel a fort out of the couch cushions and a sheet so she invited all her stuffed friends in.

Later while mum was busy playing Sudoku on the computer, Dad and Isabel played with blocks. She's getting really good at placing them higher and higher.

She's signing "block" while saying "bock"... I think she gets the "l" sometimes though.

And then a little story. I'm not entirely sure what she's saying though.....

Playing with her ball and a little laugh in the hallway...

Sorry the videos are so dark. They look worse here than do the original files.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I don't have any interesting pictures to post. But I thought I would announce that Mike has a new job starting November 1st. It is with MSHC Partners - they do political ad campaigns for democratic candidates. Mike will be creating their database. It is in DC, which we wanted because Mike would like to Metro to work. This means we can move north of DC so my commute is cut in half.

Whether you rent it or head to the theatres, we highly recommend 3:10 to Yuma. We just saw it tonight and it's great. It's also getting really good reviews.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Some pictures of Grandma's recent trip to Nova Scotia.

Sadie and Sue on the big slide at the fall fair.

Monday, October 8, 2007

After Isabel pulled the rod off the blinds... Daddy tied a string to it and set Isabel about catching herself a cat. Looks like both of them like "cat-fishing"

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wedding Weekend

Last weekend, Mike's good friend, Mike, got married - Mike was a groomsman. Anyway, I thought I would post a picture of us with Mike's Mom (Doris) and Stepdad (Ed).

And on the topic of weddings. We are beginning to plan. We found this great place in Southern Virginia where the idea would be to stay for the weekend and there are a ton of outdoor family activities..... then we checked in on prices. This is a pretty fancy place ( and the food for the reception alone would have cost us about $15,000. That's just crazy! That food better be good! Anyway, we have some options closer to home, in the DC area, Virginia, and Maryland, so we are looking into it, but I don't think it is going to be a weekend place where everything happens in one location. I know that would be ideal, but this area is pretty pricey.

I'll let everyone know dates and such when we figure it out. Hope all is well!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A few recent videos of Isabel. Our poor little monster is just getting over the chickenpox. It's been a tough week for her not feeling so well but she handled it with a stoic grace. Ha... maybe in between the dirty looks and rough nights. Boy can she give the old "evil eye"... She must've learned that from Grandma watching her play crib... ha ha!