Saturday, May 17, 2008

We are in the midst of packing and getting ready for our move and Isabel had her last play day with James..  It's kind of sad that after over a year of them playing together 3 days a week that they won't likely see each other much anymore.

These next ones are of Isabel playing in the compost.  Maybe she's trying to find the worms ..
The one on the upper left is her "Canadian Gothic"


Bransons said...

Wow your little girl has really grown up. She really looks older. what great pictures. The dress looks really cute on her. James looks the same just a little older. I am so looking forward to seeing Isabel. Kate thought she looked like Matilda in the movie.

Lots of love Grandma xoxo

Stuart said...
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Stuart said...

She loves that dress. It's hard to get her to wear anything else these days.
Who's Matlida?

Jen said...

Wow, what a change! She looks older and wiser than James. :) I can't wait to see her again. Good luck with the move!